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The Gruffalo - Neat Story for Children

Mostly Im enjoying cartoon/ animation rather than other movie, Admire about those people who willing to work as animator, its great!
I watch the cartoon Gruffalo, the idea about this story, about little mouse who smart enough for the owl, fox and snake even the For the Gruffalo him self.

The movie version its very slow for me, but the graphics its great!

Even the snake created very cute one, how the fox sneeze

Yes, indeed.. the fox and snake its not so bad.. i want to kept one the snake for my pets!

I believe cartoon more alive with the imagination from the creator, its like speaking to the devil! :D
Yes The cartoon giving an idea that even tough you small or you not that BIG enough you able to defeat all your enemies with your brain!
The mouse! he looks so small at the movie, so small and even when his stomach become so grumpy and hungry! his expression its such adorable

I watch this movie with one of my family, her name its chloe she love the mouse so much, even she try to talk British accent, this movie came from England.. no wonder the way they talk its so different

Famous quotes From My Little chloe
"no sach thing as grafallow..."

You might watch the trailer for this movie here