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My site Not Banned anymore from GOOGLE!

YES! at least my site now not getting banned from google, if you read my blog, you probably know that Revise my site from Scracth! - mission to get unbanned and yes, only for about a week i posted a new fresh articles to my banned site, and NOW, google without any notice release my banned site from 5 sites, they only approve 3 of my site the other 2 site of mine, still getting banned, but still, if you want to know more how to unbanned your site from's my steps

1. Use decent themes ( if you using wordpress) use the simple wordpress themes and clean one, i mean clean from links or hidden links what every you call it
2.Start to post new articles, make sure you use unique content only
3. When you already post 10 - 20 articles, submit your site for consideration to google click this link
4. After submitting your site for consideration,  keep updating your site with a fresh new articles and unique articles, remember the might Google pay much attention with your site you probably need to do this for a week without stop, or you might not post new articles every day, but still post a new and unique articles to your site 

5. you site probably already being released from banned

for your information my site only have 75 post when google release my site, they not inform us about unbanned our site, they just release it and you might check with opening google and type site:yoursitename

and I got my site already released. 

you need to clean up all your post! and start a new post ( start it from beginning ) i found that my other site that not approved for UN-baned still with an old post i dont want to clean it up because i already run that site since 2005 so i don't want to lose all per-historic article that i made in the past so.. i don't have any choice 

Now i can start with my old site that banned before.. :)