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Automatic Broken Link Checker For Wordpress

Long time no see guys,
currently im being busy with stuff, and also for preparation engagement party, yeah... Will tied the knot soon,  so for couple of month busy and busy, and i let some of my website loose due the expire domain and banned by google and etc, lot of things!, and some of my automatic blog still running! and I must admit it chaotic for me to see my site just post anything!! and its so sad, most of the automatic post came with a live link! dang, i should clean it out one by one! but i try to search little bit on google, and i found great plugin for my automatic blog who post numerous post with link!,  Broken Link Checker with feature

    Picks up links that do not work, missing images, erased YouTube videos along with other problems.

    Periodically inspections links in posts, pages, comments, custom fields and also the blogroll.

    New and modified records are checked As soon as possible.

    Notifies yourself on the Dashboard if any troubles are found.

    Allows you edit all cases of a particular link at the same time.

    Provides you with a listing of links ever published in your site, having the ability to search and filter it.

    Allows are applying custom CSS styles to damaged and removed links.

    Highly configurable.

yep.. i found it very useful, especially detected all the link that already dead or still running on my post, its very simple, however i believe this website will cause a lot of works! so i just put it for one by one, for not causing my hosting suspend my account, you might download the plugin here

and delete all the link that not necessary from your site