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Forgive and forget

What would you do when someone remind you about your previous mistake, remind you for something that you already forgot, a mistake who made your friend,parents or your lover so disappointed.

I must admit I had the same situation right now and I'm kinda dislike it.

Human will never be perfect, and so do I, I'm far away from the description of perfect! I'm no body, despite of making our self down deeper, you probably shall do this steps:

1. Make sure you finished things that you had done by your mistake.
Yep! Make sure its finished! Probably you need to be gentle admit about your mistake, or you try to make everything not getting worst! You should do this essential step! If you doesn't want people who involve with thus situation complaining in the future! Believe me its hurt!
2. Analyze your self!
You must do this before you start loosing control and doing the same mistake, learn about your self! If you having a lot of problem with people around you, yes! There's something wrong with your self! If you so hard to believe yourself, you should love yourself before you wondering why no one on this earth trust able.

3. Please, don't do that again!
you must remember, people are full with forgiveness, they said the forgive you! But not to forget! If you do your previous mistake again! Even with the small of capacity. BOOM! You will found people freak out and yell at you by saying "YOU NEVER CHANGE!YOU SHOULD ASHAME TO YOURSELF"

Hell yeah, when people found out you doing the same mistake. You will doomed buddy!

4.Ask for help
Well, sometimes people getting loose with them self, you must learn about it, if you still not able to change your bad habit, you will found people will disappointed to you and not able to trust you again. You need help? You must admit it and be honest with you close friend or family. So they will understand and give you help. Especially for people who had problem with psychology or with drugs problem

For people who dissatisfied family, world or with lovers.

You must remember you not perfect either. You make mistake. And what will you do if you having similar problem?

Think about it.

And let's pray for good future
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