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Can you keep the secret ?

I'm In pain now.. and i remember lot of things.. I just wanting to forget my stomach ache for while and thinking about funny things or an odds things that I ever .. meet or found.. one day its old day when I following cici amelia ( uhuk ) with the scramble things on her favorite chat room .. Im joining some Christianity chat room, and some guy .. suddenly msg me and start talking with me about the GOD things... i feel uncomfortable when some stranger asking me about faith or anything .. about religion .. its not because I don't have faith in GOD.. but its make me worried if they misunderstood about what Im sayin .. a

and this guy told me that he came from ..some place that i forgot but he told me that he came from place that i remember there's a war before and he claimed that he following those wars before, he told me that he know feeling for fear.. know the feeling of anger. loosin and etc.. .. actually he gave me some vision about religion, but seems he not get into the "Jesus Christ" thingy .. and then ..after we shared little bit about faith .. humanity and encouragement .. he start .. talking ... weird.. he says ..

at 2001 there's something happen in north pole .. and United states try not to publish this issue.. some glacier melting and it certainly will effect the world (hell yeah..) and then he said that .. something happen ... that US government cannot explain, the glacier and the melting suddenly stop and not .. effected to the world .. (erm...).. and i forgot for sure what he talking about .. afterward because i keep busy to chat with Amelia..
and then He ask me ..

stranger: "can you keep the secret ?"
Me: What ??

* because previously he talking rubbish i start not to responded actively... *

strangers : "there's an Alien around us ..well probably some of people will said its an angel.. or which ever you called it .. but something unseen that always around us and helping us.. well i prefer to call it as an allien ... "

*i start to feel something different with this guy ..*

strangers : "well, i study it before and .. some news .. you might check and read .."

* i forgot actually what link that he gave to me, but i read it all and it some kind of space things .. and about alien .. and the prof about alien .. and strange things ..*

Strangers: "they .. ( or you might say allien .. WTF) already here before story begin .. with human race"

Me : "you mean its happen before the Dinosaurus .. appears?"

*well i already act like a jerk for those nonsense things*

Strangers: "longer than that.."

Me: " so why you think its .. the truth ?"

Strangers: "thats why i told you too keep the secrets, because i still made a research for this .."

Me: "well i dont know what the hell happen with you .. but you study about Christianity rite ?"

Strangers: "yes.. like i told you before don't put this as something that related with Christianity, its more depth .. "

Me : "well no mater how creatures out there.. or dinosaurus or anything.. no mater what people said about the darwin theory .. i think its not necessary to discuss.. its not something to be argue about .. its not about what we think.. its about faith .."

Strangers : " so that why i told you to keep the secrets.. because you seems a guy with open minded person.. i want to share my mind with me .. "

... I forgot the whole stories for my further conversation with this guy .. ..

but I made my conclusion about this..

that man before.. tell me about his past .. he loose lot of people that he know before during the war.. and at that time he give me impression .. like.. "where's God?" there so many Blood ..there so many sadness.. why it never end ? its a war that human created.. and that almighty GOD ..should had more power than human .. and its a matter of things that God also able to make those wars stop ..

if we talking about the God power.. yes He able to do that .. He can stop it in pieces of cake..

But what happen ? why He let it everything should be like that way ?

because He have plan for it.. He want people to change their behavior.. He probably want us to Learn .. no one wins.. for those wars.. everyone lost! they failed..!

and when you ask about God plans.. you must understand things...

God wont change people around you .. if you not change your self.. to make a changes in Bigger way .. :)

Can you keep the secret ?... Im spiderman ...:P