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Bible its EVIL?

Wow.. I must crazy still wake up till now, well I found some interesting topic, try to browse about "what Would Jesus Do?" topic, but then i Found interesting website called
Evil bible, this site its tremendous FREAK! hahaha love it, but other side for you people who don't know for sure about what you do with your Christianity well just read this site to make you more confuse hahah why I m suggesting that bad things? anyway thats your big problem, you the one who not pay any attention with your religion so screw you! Okay lets start, this site called www[dot]evilbible[dot]com and this site basically want to focusing to make people become atheis, you might find that info here

EvilBible[dot]com is a non-profit web site which was
developed to promote atheism by revealing the wicked truth about the Bible and

Thats cool! they seemed so Fucking sure about that. I can seek the "wicked truth" about your MOM with so EASY if i want.
Anyway forget about looser who want to promote atheism with their jerky mind.
At their post about What would Jesus Do? Here

The good things about that jerk who write down those smart ash poetry with quoting bible verse, Jerk claimed that Jesus advocate for Child abuse and murderer amongst many other cruelties base on this bible verse

Matthew 10:34
(Don’t imagine that
I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather a sword lf you love your father,
mother, sister, brother, more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. The
real beauty of this verse is that Jesus demands people truly love him more then
they love their own family.
I ask you how can we love someone that we can not
see or interact with?
Love is an emotion pertaining to physical existence not
to faithful ideologies, yet God threatens you with Death just because your love
for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him.)

Mhh.. that jerk ask about love someone that we can not see or interact with, its similar with the way he think its to narrow and less ability to absorb, the way he put the verse there its not proper enough, he talk about love just like he/she master for love. if he talk about ideologies probably he should stop to discuss about something that he doesn't know for sure.

Well I feel sleepy will continue this later on .. :)

God bless us